Welcome to Complete Care Physiotherapy Centre, your trusted source for comprehensive Massage Therapy services in Etobicoke, Mississauga, and Vaughan. Our dedicated team of Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) is here to provide you with top-notch massage therapy sessions.
Understanding Massage Therapy
At Complete Care, we believe in delivering excellence through best practices. Massage therapy involves the systematic manipulation of soft tissues in the body, including the skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Our aim is to help you release physical tension and discomfort, ultimately promoting optimal healing.
Whether you seek enhanced relaxation, relief from muscular tension, increased range of motion, diminished aches and stiffness, improved circulation, or assistance with common musculoskeletal injuries, neurological symptoms, and chronic pain, therapeutic massage can significantly enhance your overall emotional and physical well-being, ultimately improving your quality of life.
The Massage Rehabilitation Process at Complete Care
Our Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment, including a detailed health history. We discuss the specific areas of your body that require attention during treatment and tailor our techniques to meet your unique health needs and goals.
Goal-setting is an integral part of all our therapies at Complete Care. We are committed to providing our patients with a range of recovery options based on their desired mobility outcomes.

Dr. Ivan Kirov
Doctor of Chiropractic & Registered Massage Therapist

Viktor Kovbasyu
Registered Massage Therapist

Wendy Rolek
Registered Massage Therapist
Different Massage Techniques
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep Tissue Massage is a technique designed to address musculoskeletal issues such as strains and injuries. It focuses on breaking down scar tissue to alleviate pain and induce deep relaxation in strained muscles.
Therapeutic Massage
With the goal of therapeutic rehabilitation, this massage therapy involves hands-on manipulation of soft tissues to alleviate pain. It is ideal for those seeking pain-free rehabilitation.
Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage incorporates a 5-step technique that includes kneading, percussion, vibration, tapping, and rolling. Therapists use their hands to mimic these motions, improving circulation and inducing deep relaxation to make our patients pain-free.
Sports Massage
Perfect for preventing and rehabilitating sports injuries, Sports Massage is suitable for athletes of all ages. It relieves tension, alleviates pain, and promotes muscle development, enhancing physical performance.
Myo-Fascial Therapy
Myo-Fascial Therapy is used to treat myofascial pain syndrome by focusing on trigger points that cause sensitivity in myofascial tissue. Our expert therapists excel at identifying and addressing trigger points, providing prompt pain relief.
Relaxation Massages
A whole-body relaxation massage therapy focuses on improving circulation while relieving muscle tension, leaving patients in a calm and pain-free state.
Trigger Point Therapy
This therapy locates and alleviates pain from active trigger points in the body, identifying and healing trigger points that may have long-term implications for mobility and fitness.
Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Drainage involves draining the lymph nodes to protect and provide immunity to the body. This treatment is essential for preventing chronic conditions in the future.
Prenatal Massage
Prenatal Massage is a safe and soothing treatment for women to enjoy during any trimester of pregnancy. It helps alleviate aches, pains, discomfort, and swelling associated with pregnancy. Our specialized treatment tables allow you to lay either side-laying or face-down, ensuring comfort and safety for both mother and baby.
At Complete Care, we prioritize your well-being and provide a therapeutic approach to ensure the highest levels of comfort during your prenatal massage. Consult with your Medical Doctor, OBGYN, or Mid-Wife prior to receiving your first prenatal massage treatment.
Take care of yourself, so you can take care of the life flourishing within you. Experience calmness of the mind, increased energy, and relief from discomfort with a Prenatal Massage from Complete Care Physiotherapy Centre.
Ready to experience the healing benefits of massage therapy? Contact Complete Care Physiotherapy Centre to book your appointment today!
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to Massage Therapy:
Are the Massage Therapists at Complete Care Physiotherapy Centre fully trained?
Yes, all our Massage Therapists are fully trained and registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). They are available several days of the week to accommodate your schedule and help you reach your desired mobility goals.
How can massage therapy be helpful to me?
Massage therapy can help you in various ways, including enhanced relaxation, relief from muscular tension, increased range of motion, diminished aches and stiffness, improved circulation, and assistance with common musculoskeletal injuries, neurological symptoms, and chronic pain.
What is the difference between Deep Tissue Massage and Therapeutic Massage?
Deep Tissue Massage focuses on addressing musculoskeletal issues, breaking down scar tissue, and inducing deep relaxation in strained muscles. Therapeutic Massage, on the other hand, is designed for pain-free rehabilitation through hands-on manipulation of soft tissues.
Is Prenatal Massage safe during pregnancy?
Yes, Prenatal Massage is a safe and soothing treatment for women to enjoy during any trimester of pregnancy. Our specialized treatment tables and expert therapists ensure comfort and safety for both mother and baby.